Hatsune Miku: Future Delivery Volume 1 Oshio Satoshi pdf english

Hatsune Miku: Future Delivery Volume 1

Oshio Satoshi,Oshio Satoshi

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  • Titre: Hatsune Miku: Future Delivery Volume 1 de Oshio Satoshi
  • ISBN: 978-1506703619
  • Nom de fichier: hatsune-miku-future-delivery-volume-1.pdf
  • Date de sortie: 14 novembre 2017
  • Nombre de pages: 168 pages pages
  • éditeur: Oshio Satoshi
Le Titre Du Livre : Hatsune Miku: Future Delivery Volume 1
Moyenne des commentaires client : 4,8 sur 5étoiles étoiles sur 5 18 commentaires client
Nom de fichier : hatsune-miku-future-delivery-volume-1.pdf
La taille du fichier : 26.29 MB

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Hatsune Miku: Future Delivery Volume 1 Oshio Satoshi pdf english -
Catégories : Oshio Satoshi
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques critiques les plus utiles sur Hatsune Miku: Future Delivery Volume 1. Vous pouvez considérer cela avant de décider d'acheter / lire ce livre.
This manga is an interesting concept of a vocaloid related story, but whithout making it the main theme. In this story we will meet Asumi and Asimov, our main characters, who are looking for Miku, and making different findings during their journey.There is an statement out there that "vocaloids have no personality", and this manga takes full advantage of this, so the Miku from one chapter is completely different from the one from the previous and the next chapter. They can even change names, but keeping their disctintive appearance!Unexpected discoveries and a more in depth story around Asumi and Asimov is revealed chapter by chapter, so the way to find out is reading this original story!

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